Physical Therapy

Frequently asked questions

Answers to the most frequently asked questions.
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How do I know if physical therapy is right for me?

We hear this all the time! Treatment plans are unique to each individual—the best way to figure out if physical therapy is right for you is to schedule a no-pressure, 30-minute free screening. During that time, you'll meeting directly with our physical therapists and we'll discuss your symptoms, provide an overview of what your treatment plan would look like, and answer any and all questions that you have. Our 30-minute screening appointments are completely free of charge.

What do I wear?

Dress comfortably with clothes and shoes that allow for easy movement.

How do I schedule an appointment?

Our scheduling is easy and we offer a convenient location and appointment times for you. We have morning and evening appointments available to meet the demands of your busy schedule. You can easily schedule here on our website.

How long will my session last?

Initial evaluations and follow ups are 1 hour. Performance based sessions are 1.5-3 hours.

How many sessions will I have?

Each patient’s diagnosis is different. You and your therapist will develop a plan of care that is right for you. Your plan of care and number of visits will be discussed during your first visit and explained by your physical therapist.

What is the cancellation policy?

We ask that you provide at least 24 hour notice of cancellation prior to your scheduled visit via phone, email or online. We will charge a cancellation fee of $105 on your third cancellation with less than 24 hour notice.


What are the benefits of direct access?

No referral for physical therapy? No problem. The ability to visit a physical therapist without a prescription or referral is called direct access. Direct access allows you to go directly to a physical therapist without the need for a physician referral.

A major advantage to direct access is that patients see a decrease in their out-of-pocket costs by skipping a visit to their general practitioner for a referral. It also means that treatment can get underway faster. Direct access empowers you to take back control of your health by allowing you to choose an approach that will best suit your needs.

Do I need a referral?

No. Maine is a direct access state meaning you do not need a physician referral to start physical therapy. However, some insurance companies require a referral to approve reimbursement to you for physical therapy services.

Do you accept my insurance?

Hurt & Co is an Out-of-Network (OON) Provider for all insurance companies. Payment is due at the time of service by HSA/FSA debit cards, check, credit card, Apple pay, or cash. Insurance companies often reimburse for out-of-network physical therapy treatments. We will provide the appropriate documentation needed for you to pursue reimbursement directly through your insurance company. Please contact your insurance company to inquire about your Out-of-Network benefits.

What type of payment is acceptable?

We accept HSA/FSA, cash, check, debit card, credit card, and Apple pay. Payment is made at the time of service.

Why is Hurt & Co out-of-network?

The traditional insurance model prevents us from giving you the best possible treatment. The Out-of-Network provider structure allows us to provide you with patient focused, quality based, and highly personalized care.

  • No insurance limitations. You and your physical therapist are in the driver’s seat.
  • No hidden costs or surprise bills.
  • Direct access care, no need for a referral
  • Longer treatment sessions
  • Accessibility to your physical therapist between sessions to answer any questions
  • Results achieved in fewer visits, most often with decreased overall cost of care
  • One-on-one, direct care with your physical therapist, never have treatment by aides or assistants
  • This model allows us to provide preventative and maintenance care